2007 Hardys Butcher’s Gold Shiraz Sangiovese

SA 14.0% Screwcap $16- Tasted 8/8/09

Another day, another shiraz/sangi write up. I’ll get to some Reisling, Semillon & Sparkling soon I promise. Feel free to tell me if you’d like to see TNs of other stuff, I’ll try to accomodate it if I can.

This is a classy wine for $16 (it’s the bottle on the right in case you haven’t guessed) and you should give it a whirl if you are interested in this blend or like a bit of black, savoury red wine action. It smells of cherries, dried orange rind, bitumen/tar, blackberries with some mocha kicking it out too. The tannins are enjoyably assertive and the finish is strong. Quite a serious wine, God knows what it might do with time in the cellar, I don’t. There is something very gravel like about the texture, it feels real interesting in the mouth.

A bit more air sees peanuts and milk chocolate, with some almond skin texture qualities to boot. Bloody good wine for $16. Grab some say I.


Winery Website- Hardys say they’re working on one, but are probably busy pulling out vines and fucking up the industry. Who knows?
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6 Responses to 2007 Hardys Butcher’s Gold Shiraz Sangiovese

  1. rm says:

    i tasted the shiraz/sang under the guise of iut being restaurant only, a leaner, firmer, drier, food friendly style.

  2. rm says:

    where'd you get yours?

  3. Jeremy Pringle says:

    LOL! Restuarant only. Ah, this wine caper is so full of shit sometimes.

    And now to the embarrassing admission that this bottle, although widely available in retail, was one of two that came my way via a Vintage Cellar cellar share! I must hide my shame…

    On an interesting (or not) side note, I was told that it was served at Gorodn Ramsay's last visit to Australia. Whilst not totally convinced of the truth of that info, it would make some sense if you consider what a hole that man has dug for himself.

    Still I shouldn't speak… ;)



  4. Chris Plummer says:

    So you acquired this with a cellar share hey Jeremy? I hope you're not buying your wine from that Indooroopily store – I've heard bad things ;)

    If you're interested I'd love to see more Queensland wine reviews of any style, but preferably single region – they can be quite hard to come by and I'm always interested to know what's going on up there, especially from your unique point of view.

    No need to overdo the Queenslanders though ;)

    Chris P

  5. Jeremy Pringle says:

    No, I only visit Indooroopilly when intoxicated and fiesty, to make fun of them whilst drinking their expensive Bordeaux :) Did you know that no Rosé under $200 and outside of France is worth drinking? Their wisdom is such a boon to me!

    I've got a 2005 Qld Red TN in the works (awesome vintage for the GB), waiting on a reply to an email, a reply that I may never get…

    But I'll certainly have a look at more in September, when the Granite Belt new releases are available for tasting and purchase. I'm going to have a good tour of the region then. Afterwards I'll be posting quite a bit about how I see GB/QLD wine.

    I won't overdo them, I don't really have the funds to overdo anything above $10 (sigh). Such is life ;)

    Thanks for the input Chris, always a pleasure.



  6. Jeremy Pringle says:

    Hey Chris

    I've been unfair in generalising about Indooroopilly VC and I need to flag it. It's only one person there who is really the way I've represented them. The other staff are very good and work under stressful conditions.

    This has been a bad mistake on my part. Please do not let my ill-considered comments bias you against that store or VC in general. I have a good relationship with VC, I love the manager and staff at Chapel Hill and there are many good people working for VC, just trying to earn a living in wine. It's a tough gig for anyone who tries.

    My bad. And my unreserved apologies to Indooroopilly VC. It would be wrong of me not to apologise. They have not complained, I've just come to my senses.

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