
On August 9 2014, Jeremy Pringle passed away suddenly as the result of undiagnosed cardiomyopathy. Jeremy’s distinctive voice is missed by his many admirers in the wine community.

Campbell Mattinson, The Wine Front

Philip White, Drinkster

Julian Coldrey, Full Pour

Keira McIntosh, The Supertaster

Andrew Graham, Australian Wine Review

Rory Lane, The Story Wines

Mark Gifford, Blue Poles Vineyard

Wine Business Magazine


Jeremy Pringle was born in 1973,  the same year the first Sauvignon Blanc vines were planted in Marlborough, New Zealand. It is difficult to assess which of these events has proven to be more divisive in the wider wine community today.

After failing to find steady work as a freelance Philosopher he began to seriously pursue his interest in wine ten years ago. His most recent venture, the Wine Will Eat Itself blog, was dedicated to bad puns, private jokes, applied drinking aesthetics…and the independent review of wine. After a surprisingly successful two year run Jeremy took a short hiatus to focus on other long term writing projects.

Much agonising ensued as to the name and form of the follow up to WWEI before it was decided that B-grade movie makers really were ‘onto something’ when it came to sequels and their monikers. Thus, in a never before seen display of bathos and a rare embracing of the notion of anti-climax, Wine Will Eat Itself 2: The Main Course was conceived – the continuation of a spiritual and virtual quest for vinous enlightenment.

Jeremy also engages in freelance writing and regularly contributes to the James Halliday Wine Companion magazine and other publications.

One of Wine Business Magazine’s (WBM’s) 50 stars of 2011

“This music-loving Queensland wine buff has established himself as one of Australia’s most authoritative wine bloggers this year. His site is called Wine Will Eat Itself and in a refreshing twist, he doesn’t write glowingly about every bottle. An active tweeter who tells it like it is and is definitely one to watch as online writers move in on the turf of the old school. An increasingly respected palate adding colour and diversity to the wine media.”