2013 Fikkers two bricks Shiraz

imageThe press release uses all lower case for the ‘two bricks’ moniker so I’ll do the same. I quite like the idea actually. Grapes are sourced from the Coldstream area in the Lower Yarra Valley. 33% whole bunches, wild yeast ferment. Has some of the jubilance of a carbonic maceration number.

Maraschino cherries, black brambly fruits. Bubblegum sweetness, loads of brown spice, a hint of deli meats. Oak feels neutral. I like the texture of the tannins and the tensile way they stretch through the finish. Heaps of fun to drink. 89

Region: Yarra Valley
Alcohol: 13.5%
Closure: Screwcap
Price: $24
Tasted: March 2014


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2 Responses to 2013 Fikkers two bricks Shiraz

  1. Glenn says:

    I reckon he was smart – a lot of punters would prefer to drink this over a Crudo or another ‘bunchy’ valley Shiraz (that’s not say the’re good wines too) – fantastic value – I’m sorry we didn’t buy more!

  2. Yep, both good wines. Very happy to see the diversity.

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