2006 De Iuliis Aged Release Semillon

de iuliis aged semWhy I don’t have more Hunter Semillon stashed in my cellar is beyond me. I love the better examples with age and the lower alcohol is a much-needed tonic for my health.

Lanolin and buttered toast have entered the fray but the back-palate is all tangy lemon. Before that you get grassy traits, orange citrus, aniseed, and a hint of honey throat soothers. There’s even a suggestion of passionfruit but there is no mistaking this for Sauvignon Blanc. Still years to go here although some may like to tuck in now. The penetration, acidity and persistence suggests a bright future. A long-term option for those wanting one. 93+

Region: Hunter Valley
Alcohol: 11.5%
Closure: Screwcap
Price: $30
Tasted: February 2014


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7 Responses to 2006 De Iuliis Aged Release Semillon

  1. Matt Broomhead says:

    Age shall not weary them… Looks like a compelling prospect at that price. Like you Jeremy, good Semillon is not something I have stashed under the house- and for that I feel a little guilty. A certain neglect of our northern brothers. Might have to fetch me some of this..

  2. A much better option than the 2006 Elizabeth I reckon. Need to buy more myself.

    • Michael Charles says:

      2006 Elizabeth is an earlier drinking wine I think. Bang on with note and score here I think Jeremy.

      The 2002 of this was fabulous, when on form, but every second bottle had cork taint.


    • Matt Moore says:

      Altho to be fair, you can pick up the 2006 Elizabeth for $15 a bottle. So I’d hope that the De Iuliis would be at least, oooh, twice as good?

      My fave so far was a Margan Aged Release from 2005. My first glass tasted like sherbet & cream.

      • Everyone is of course welcome to relate to prices however they’d like. But the idea of this needing to be double the quality of the Elizabeth seems spurious to me…and of course you can find this cheaper than the CD price listed if you search, much like the Elizabeth.

  3. Definitely wouldn’t be holding onto the 2006 Lizzie. Also thought it was rather short along with being very developed. A little disappointing all up. The 2002 of it was pretty damn good too…if the cork hadn’t left the bottle rooted.

    • Geoff Garratt says:

      Re the 2002 Elizabeth. Yes, a classic example of the vagaries of cork. I had a few of the 02 under cork, but mercifully, two doz. under screwcap. The cork examples wearied quite quickly but the others are a delight to drink still.

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