2013 Fandango Bros. Yarra Valley Semillon Sauvignon Blanc

fandango 002The result of a collaboration between Tom Belford of Bobar Wines fame and Dougie Graham, a former Spanish wine importer.

“…through Dougie I was exposed to therapeutic doses of whites from Northern Spain. I really liked the bit of fat they had; waxy citrus fruit all within a very contained package. Wines you could really drink without feeling like they were lowering your IQ. Godello was the variety that really seemed to get me going, mostly because you could rock back and say God-Ello with gusto. Those whites from Spain…were our muse. Semillon seemed like the vehicle most likely to get us somewhere towards where we wanted to go. A little Sauvignon Blanc was used to top up the barrels following fermentation.”

Excuse the extended quotation but as a writer sometimes you have to recognise those times when someone is telling their story better than you possibly could. 100% malolactic fermentation, wild yeast, a little stirring, old barrels and six months on lees.

Terrific interplay between tart yet fine acidity and a yielding texture. It smells and tastes of freshly baked sourdough loaves, lemons and lemon curd, green melon, grass and a sparse sprinkling of herbs. Suggestions of spice, apple and almond meal. Doesn’t lack flavour or body. Beautifully textured phenolics and undeniable reach. I could seriously drink this by the bucket-load and at 11% it wouldn’t even destroy my liver in one go. FAN-DANGO! Unreal wine. 92

Region: Yarra Valley
Alcohol: 11%
Closure: Screwcap
Price: $22
Tasted: November 2013

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